Dakota Digital; GRFX Universal Competition Series Gauge Cluster
The Dakota Digital Universal Competition Grafix Series allows the user to customize nearly every aspect of the instrument system. A variety of graphic themes can be selected, each element within can be further personalized...

Dakota Digital; GRFX Universal Competition Series Gauge Cluster
Classic $1895.99 set
Holley; EFI; Stand Alone Digital Dash Kit; 7"
Have you been looking for a dash solution for your vehicle, but just cannot find anything you like or that is cost effective? No need to look any further as Holley has created a full color touch screen dash that includes...
Autometer; Invision LCD Digital Dash; Panel Mount; Universal
The new InVision digital dash gauge cluster for use in any vehicle. Monitor the speedometer, tachometer, fuel level, oil pressure, water temperature, and voltage readings all in one stunning display. Offers three different...
Dakota Digital Instrument System Dimmer Switch
Enhance your digital dash panel display by adding this light dimmer to adjust the dimming feature built into your digital instrument system for night time driving. This aluminum knob and bezel works only with the Dakota...